Automotive Detailing:
The SmartMFer is the perfect automotive detailing towel. Epoxy-coated rare earth magnets embedded in the towel prevent the towel from being dropped, and maintain great contact with the surface of the vehicle to provide the best drying experience ever!
A dropped towel is a dirty towel, a dirty towel can damage painted surfaces. Protect your investment, be a SmartMFer!
Kitchen/Household uses:
Refrigerators, dishwashers, ovens, stove tops, sinks, washers/dryers – the SmartMFer will stick to them all, a SmartMFer will never fall! No more dropping towels while cleaning, keeping your towel cleaner longer! Keep a towel handy in the kitchen by magnitizing it to the fridge, or dishwasher.
Commercial Kitchens:
Commercial kitchens are full stainless steel, the perfect surface for a SmartMFer! The Embedded magnets inside of the SmartMFer Towel will stay connected to any magnet-friendly surface providing the best clean possible & preventing towels from falling on the floor, thus keeping the towel cleaner longer! Towels falling on the floor can contribute to the spread of disease and bacteria.
Single Smart Microfiber Towel

Smart Microfiber Towel – Single
A dropped towel is a dirty towel, a dirty towel can damage painted surfaces. Protect your investment, be a SmartMFer!
Smart Microfiber Towel 2-Pack

Smart Microfiber Towel – 2 Pack
A dropped towel is a dirty towel, a dirty towel can damage painted surfaces. Protect your investment, be a SmartMFer!

I have been in the automotive industry since the early age of 16. Whether I was installing an audio system, or tinting a car; I always wanted the customer’s vehicle to look great when they picked it up. Being in the Automotive industry for over 20 years has taught me a lot. One of the things I have learned over the years is how important it is to keep your car towels clean and free of dirt. You can have a brand new, clean towel, but once that towel hits the ground, it’s done for the day. A dirty towel will damage a paint job and could lead to hundreds, even thousands of dollars in damage. Dropping your towel onto a garage floor, or driveway is the easiest way to ruin the towel for the day by picking up dirt & debris that will cause nasty scratches to your car’s finish. This was a problem that needed a solution….
Introducing the SmartMFer! The SmartMFer is a soft, absorbent MicroFiber towel with small Rare Earth Epoxy-Coated magnets embedded in the edge allowing the towel to stick to any magnetic surface preventing the towel from falling to the dirty ground while cleaning any magnetic friendly surface!
This towel has been tested rigorously at my window tint company, Custom Car Stereo & Tint. We tint over 500 cars per month company wide, and wipe every car down when we are done with a SmartMFer!
Although SmartMFer was born to solve a problem I found in the Automotive industry, it has uses in many other arens:
- Home/Commercial Kitchen Cleaning
- Dr. Office/Surgical Room Cleaning
- General Cleaning